Weekly Give Up: Back on the Slim Fast! 

Weekly Give Up’s are back! So, this week, it’s back on the Slim Fast. I have got to say that I’m not really feeling it this time, but I know that it is something that works for me and the results seem to show pretty quickly. I also need to do something to give myself a little bit more confidence, and this will do the trick! I will be doing the 3 snacks (any of the Slim Fast ones or a portion of fruit or something like that), 2 shakes (Chocolate or Strawberry) and 1 meal a day. When I have done Slim Fast before I have cut out the 3 snacks and it just seems to speed things along, but being as I am not so enthusiastic this time, I feel that I need to ease myself in! Haha!

I think it’s going to take some getting used to it again, but I’ve gotta do something about this horrible feeling and lose a bit of weight for the summer. I don’t want to feel all self-conscience in my summer dresses! I have just weighed myself and, as I expected, I have put on a few pounds since doing my marathon training for September last year. This isn’t cool, so I now have a number in my head of what I want to be and I’m going to try really hard to stick to it – I’ll only be allowing myself 1 treat of a week and 1 small treat at the weekend. I need to do this because a lot of my socializing involves eating of some description, so I’m just going to cut it all down.

So, my weekly give up this week is any good that I remotely fancy eating: cakes, bread, crisps, chocolate, sweets and everything in between. To kick start it, I’m going to try and walk a couple of times this week too! It’s a good time to shut yourself off and think and I actually really enjoyed that when I was training last year. Anyway, wish me luck :) I am also looking to try some tasty smoothies as we’ve got a nutri bullet, so if you know any amazing recipes that I have to try, I can always swap one of these for a shake. Wish me luck!

Peace and love,

Polly May xx

Weekly Give Up: Bread.

weekly give upSo, this week I got a bit confused. For some reason, I thought that I had given up bread and chocolate and I have been craving a bit of chocolate all week, before I finally gave in and had some chocolate cake and a chocolate finger or five at work, while marking. I felt awful and have been really, really annoyed with myself. It is only as I am typing this that I looked back at last week’s ‘Weekly Give Up’ and found that it was actually only bread that I had to give up after all, so that’s alright. So, bread…

The bread has gone well. I have only had one burger bun when I got a surprise lunch from my sister and mum at work (which was actually really lovely of them!) before my sister went back to Edinburgh. But that’s totally allowed right? I didn’t technically buy it or choose it and I wouldn’t have had any lunch otherwise haha! So, other than that I have done well. I took some homemade soup (Tomato and Pearl Barley made by my Sister), along with porridge pots and salad. It has been surprisingly easy to not take sandwiches everyday for work and has saved me heaps of time in the morning, so it’s been all good.

Next week I will giving up: sleep! No, I’m joking!! Lol! Although work is mental at the moment. For real though, next week I will be giving up: bringing work home! every single night for the past week, I have brought 46 books home to mark, ready for the next day and then that’s it. My evening is gone. So, I’m going to stay at work and do what I need to, but anything that isn’t done, isn’t done. It’s that simple. Fingers crossed I don’t stress myself out and I can stick to it. I think it’s going to be tricky.

Peace and love, Polly May xx

Plans & ‘Weekly Give Ups’.


Image taken from weheartit.com (@white_roses_)

So, it’s back to work tomorrow (ugh!) and I am just not in the mood! I have had a lovely break full of seeing all of my friends and celebrating Christmas and my Mum’s birthday. It’s been so, so, SO nice to not have to worry about work or anything really and the amount of sleep I’ve had has been insane!!

Now, I feel I need to address something; although I said I wasn’t setting myself goals to sign off for the New Year, I have decided that I am going to try and do like a ‘Weekly Give Up’ for 2015. So, this might be a TV program or soap that I know, deep down, is rubbish, takeaway food, tea (as I have 3 sugars and milk and know this isn’t good for me!), twitter, junk food, facebook, getting up late… whatever. I am going to do random weeks where I give up something. I thought it would be a bit of fun and I figured that a week here and there of unhealthy things is better than no weeks at all. This doesn’t mean that I am going to stick to it religiously and make it my year’s goal, but it does mean that I am going to be being ‘good’ for some of the time. Each time I do a ‘Give Up’, I will blog and let you know how I am getting on with it…. (Would it be good to start a page?)

… And because of all the Christmas (or Holidays, if you’re from USA), I have consumed an insane amount of chocolate! I do like chocolate, but I would say that I would prefer something else normally. I think I just ate it because the children in my class bought me about 50000000 boxes of biscuits/chocolates! Lol! So, this will be my first ‘Give Up’ – Chocolate and biscuits of any kind! Think it will do me good! Wish me luck! :)

I am planning a few things for all of you this month, but I kind of want to know if there’s anything that you actually wanted me to do… I basically would like some help from you! I will do my usual thing, but if you know of anything to do with January itself (you know, challenges etc.) then please let me know and I think it will be fun to try and join in! Right, I am off to read some of my book, eat a lovely Mumberly-cooked roast dinner (with a cherry and rhubarb pie for afters!), have a bubble bath and get ready for the beginning of Spring Term.

Peace and love, Polly May xx