2013: Please be good to me :)


So, it’s 2013 tomorrow and I have to say I cannot wait for what it has in store for me. In 2013, I will work my butt off to graduate with the grade I want to, I will become the best Teacher that I can be, I will travel to new places and meet new people and hopefully, I will be able to see more of the people that mean so much to me. I also really really really hope that I get the chance to go back to NYC this summer, as it wold make my year perfect. I have never been in the summer and I have never been there and been able to drink, so that could be fun. I also just love it, so would love to go back. (Who knows? I might even do this)

As you may know, I make a list of resolutions every year, and have done for the last three years. Last years consisted of passing my QTS tests, reading all of the Harry Potter books, and getting good grades at University. This year’s resolution are very much University based, however, I do plan to do more too. I want to go and see things more and not sit in as much. If I have the option to go out, I am gonna go. I want to travel a lot more and just generally see new places – I would love to see some cities.

I honestly can’t believe that in May 2013, I will have finished all 3 years at University. It has gone so quickly, however, I can’t wait to have a classroom of my own and not feel like I am treading on anyone’s toes.  I will be able to run it how I want, and with Michael Gove’s new scheme of pay and it being based on how good a teacher you are, I will need to put all my strength into it.

Now for other people’s blogs; I found this Gala Darling blog quite interesting, and it kind of sums up a lot of my ideas for 2013. Hannah also has a fabulous way to motivate in succeeding with your resolutions! I love it, it’s so down to luck, and her list is awesome, with every option being something that she genuineyl wants to do! Kandee is the reason I started blogging, and I still love reading her fashion and make-up blogs 4 years later! Anyway, have a fantastic New Year’s whatever you are all doing. I need to go and get ready now.

See you all in 2013,

Peace and love, Polly May xx

There comes a time in life….

Damn right! - 19.12.2012

So, Christmas is over and it’s crazy just how quickly this year has gone! 2012 has been a strange sort of a year for me, but full of lots of fun! Charlie Simpson, Florence + The Machine, Easter Camp, Trips to Colchester,  Team Bean, Wireless 2012, Turkey with the Bitchfaces, Summer Camp, Rolling Stones Exhibition, Harry Potter, Colchester Zoo,  Great grades at University, Jersey Boys, Passing my QTS skills tests, Crossfire Hurricane, and, of course, The Rolling Stones! But 2013, is going to be even better!!

I cannot explain how important it is to do things that make you happy, I feel like I’ve forgotten some of mine. Without them, you find that you forget and start to feel a bit strange. I used to visit the V&A at least once a month, but my life has changed a lot. I was able to do that because I was on an art course, so I had a justification, but now my life has gone for a more serious, essays route. So, I am pledging to myself that in the New Year, when I have done most of my work and I don’t have to worry about anything and can fit in in, I will go to London and wonder. I will walk around and see the sights and visit museums and galleries, because it’s important not to lose yourself. So this is my first pledge to 2013.

Now I just have to think of the others that I want to do for the New Year – only 3 days left of 2012 to go!

Peace and love, Polly May xx